Video from Spring 2023 God's Way With Money Class

Class Outline

Class Handouts

Class Slides

Monthly Budget Worksheet - Template


Actual Income and Spending Worksheet - Template

Compound Interest - Template

Debt Snowball - Template

Budget - Template

Dave Ramsey - Endorsed Local Professionals

CDF Investments - God calls his people to steward their resources. Central works with CDF Capital as they help Christians and Churches put their finances to work for the kingdom. Your investment dollars are used to grows God’s kingdom through local churches which comes back to you with interest.


MILLIONAIRE MISSION: Changing Our World One Generous Millionaire At A Time, by Craig Ruby

The Total Money Makeover, by Dave Ramsey

Pet Insurance Review - The AAHA and other organizations such as the ASPCA and Humane Society have begun to officially rate and review corporations offering pet health insurance policies, owners no longer need to worry about falling for a potential scam. The above website is good for comparing what different companies have to offer.